Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Makayla's Award

We had gotten an invitation to an award ceremony for Makayla in the mail a few weeks ago. When we asked her about it she had no clue what it was for. She knew very little about the ceremony except for what we told her which was information from the letter. When we arrived and recieved a program we all tried to guess what she was getting an award for. My original quess before viewing the program was for her participation in the Duke TIP program. After seeing the program I knew that wasn't the case because he scores were below the criteria, barely. After seeing the program, my quess was right. Makayla recieved an award for honor roll. Each 6 weeks she made the honor roll! It was exciting and quite an achievement for her. We always keep close track of her grades due to her being in level one classes and her gymnastics. We never really knew except once that she made the honor roll because she never came home with the usual propoganda. Not sure why. We are very proud of her!

Unfortunately she did miss the Duke TIP award for reaching the state level of acheivement for taking her SATs in the 7th grade. The minimum criteria was to make a minimum of 510 on the math portion. Makayla made a 490. :( Poor Makayla...

Isa says goodbye to SEEDS

Isa completed her first year of school at SEEDS! She attended on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm glad she got to experience school before she started public school. She loves her teacher Ms. Loria. Isa is her little princess and always her big helper. She also attended dual language Fridays with Ms. Angela. Isa looked forward to Ms. Angela's class every week. They have a special bond and Isa has grown quite attached. Alayna will be attending next year on Tuesdays and Thursdays like her big sister, Isa. She is ready!! Even Ms. Angela says she is ready the way she marches into the classroom every Friday. Isa absolutely LOVED it and was very sad to go. Everyday now she asks to go to school and gets upset when I tell her it's over and there is no more school until after summer. I hope she is as enthusiastic when she starts kindergarten in the fall.
Originally their last day of school was to be the day of their graduation but since IKE interfered with everyone's plans at the beginning of the year school was extended one week. Since they had already graduated they had fun days. The last day was splash day and since they are the oldest they were the last to go so they had a blast!! They got to make the biggest mess and the best part for them, they didn't have to change out of their bathing suits!! They got to play in their bathing suits all day!! They finished with popsicles while they dried off outside and returned to their classrooms to get gifts from Ms. Loria and their friends. Isa will really miss all of her new friends.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Isabella graduated from pre-school last night. She was so excited!!! She loved her year in pre-school at our church. The program was wonderful! The started with a prayer by Father Lockey after processing into the church. Of course as soon as the program began Isa had to go potty so we missed the prayer. Then Ms. Judy, the music teacher told a story about S.E.E.D.S. and how all the children started as seeds and have all bloomed! Then Ms. Angela led a prayer they have learned in spanish!!It was very exciting to hear all those bilingual children!!! Then Ms. Judy led them in some songs that they had performed in prayer service this year. Believe it or not, from about 10 pews back I could actually hear Isabella during some parts! Then it was time to graduate! The stood on the alter with their class while their teachers handed them their diplomas! After all classes were done they processed out of the church and it was picture and cookie time!!!!
We are all so very proud of our graduate!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

D.A.R.E. Graduation

Julie had her DARE graduation today. I have to say the essays that some of these kids wrote were amazing!! So eloquent and sophisticated! They understood the impact of drugs and alcohol on their bodies and their lives. It was a great ceremony. JUST SAY NO!!!

Alayna's Mayfest

Alayna had her gymnastic Mayfest during her regular class time Friday morning. It was a FUN day!!! She started out dancing and bouncing on the trampolines chasing balloons. All of the other kids were just kinda standing there but not our little Alayna. As soon as she heard the music she was jammin!

Then they did activities on the floor. She liked doing her backflip and jumping into the pit. On the tumble trac she just kept boucing and bouncing and then off into the pit AGAIN!!! Then it was mountain time!!! She was climbing and sliding with coach Nicki!!!

Alayna got her first medal!! Aferwards Coach Nicki let her go crazy again with the blue inkpad for the stamp!! Then we all went to breakfast with Grama and PooPoo!! Isa stayed home from school so she could watch and play some too!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Isabella's Mayfest

Isa had her Mayfest gymnastics performance this weekend. The theme was "Welcome to the Jungle!" She's in HotShots this year so Mayfest was a bigger performance than usual. All the girls in her group had to have matching leos. It wasn't as difficult picking them out as we had all assumed. Isa's didn't come in until the week before and of course it was wrong! I had no time to correct it and she didn't have a problem with it so she just wore it anyway. My fear is it won't get worn again. Anyway, she had an audience and was proud that she thought she was the one with the most people there to watch her. Mommy, Daddy, Alayna, TaTa, Grandma Martha, Uncle John, Aunt Margie, Abeulito, Abuelita, Padrino and Tia Erika were all there to see her. She was a little distracted but excited to show off her skills! She did well in all the events and was excited to get her trophy!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Go Julie Go!!!

Julie has been a little over-achiever here lately!! She had her Spring Fling gymnastics competition on Friday at Cypress Academy. She came in 4th in the All-Around!!!! She came home with her report card the same day with Straight A's!!!!! Then back at gymnastics on Wedensday she moved up a level to SUPER-novas!!!! She is so excited and a little uneasy. Sh's not used to so much attention, positive attention!!

Go Julie Go!!!!